Your photo printed on canvas

We print your photo on real canvas. This elegant item is an eye-catcher for every room.


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x cm

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Our offer for you

Net total:
EUR 24,52
VAT 19%:
EUR 4,66
Total incl. 19% VAT:
EUR 29,18EUR 486,31/m²

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Photo printed on canvas

Printed on canvas or stretched canvas, your photograph or picture becomes a real eye-catcher. We are also happy to print the image of your choice on rolled canvas – your pictures are art and should be treated as such. You can choose whether you want the picture stretched on a stretcher frame or whether you only need the printed canvas (without a frame) if you want to stretch the fabric on a wooden stretcher frame yourself, for example.
Picture on canvas:
print width up to 140 cm.
length of canvas up to 220 cm. 

Basically, the canvas can be as long as you like. However, the photo is stretched onto a frame that becomes unstable from a certain size upwards, so that it is increasingly difficult to transport it without causing damage. This applies to anything above a length of 220 cm. We are happy to produce larger prints for you, but you will need to ensure that they are delivered safely and extremely carefully. Canvas edges: a range of design options 

The canvas edge can be fashioned in different ways: a wrapped edge, mirrored edge, black or white edge or and edge that “stretches” the image (you will be able to view the options once you have uploaded your picture). The smallest format is 20 x 20 cm – you can choose any larger format. Questions? Feel free to contact us.

By the way: With the canvas fabrics: "Venezia", "Florence" and "Como" we also offer you canvas fabrics for fine art prints. 

  • Classic Canvas
  • Classic Canvas
  • Classic Canvas
  • Classic Canvas
  • Classic Canvas
  • Classic Canvas
  • Fine Art Print Canvas
  • Fine Art Print Canvas
  • Fine Art Print Canvas

The most important things on canvas

  • print on real artist canvas
  • mounted on a noble stretcher
  • any format possible
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